Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Book Club

I'm in a new book club. We had our first meeting last week, and although turn-out was low (isn't that uncommon in a book club?) it was fun. We read Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, which maybe was a little intimidating for a first book. I enjoyed it, because it is so different from the usual murder mysteries I've been reading. Of course, now I have the desire to speak with a British accent and go around town leaving my calling card (work? who needs work? don't we all live on the interest of our savings, which of course, we inherited?)
But I digress.
I'll let you know when the new book is picked, and you can read along if you'd like. Maybe we'll have an online book club meeting to discuss. I have to go have some tea and scones now, and maybe a cordial to cure my maladies. Ta Ta!

1 comment:

Kelly Simmons said...

Hi there -- if you like mysteries you might like my debut novel Standing Still. It's literary fiction with a mystery wrapped up in it. If your book club is interested, I can visit or phone in to discuss it with them. And it comes out in paperback in February.

Take care

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